
krabi ao nang trip

here we are ! krabi

             Hi, I just coming back from krabi ,thailand trip! I will show you how to travel without tour guide or group tour. SELF Travel is better than follow the tour guide because it was cheap and you also can do whatever you want! Let's enjoy!!!

             First, when we arrived at krabi airport we queue for sealed our passport. There was a long line to line up because only one counter is service and the officer service also not very nice as face look like a shit...haha. After we sealed our passport we go downstair brought the bus ticket to our hotel first!

counter bas ticket (downstair)

           Price of the ticket is different according to the destination that you want. When you brought the ticket they will show you the direction to the bus station . One more thing if you are in a hurry moment dun take the bus because the bus will wait the passenger is full then start to go! and it gonna take time because the bus driver will drop you at your hotel doorstep! krabi to ao nang area is 150 baht,taxi to your hotel is 600 baht! and we decide to take bus to our hotel.
Ticket to ao nang must save it!

Heading to bus station !

          we are staying at "krabi heritage hotel". The location of this hotel is good as near to the beach and the street BUT the service,food and ambient is very BAD! I already to review this hotel in tripadvisor and gave a very real and good judgement with photo. In brief, the air condition is leaking we asked more tower to absorb the water they said cant because the policy then I told them and using the body language to tell them what was happened finally they rather give me the towel and not help us to fix the air condition!, the toilet is dirty (seat , bath tub and floor) one more stupid things is the degree of the toilet floor is slating then it could accumulate water, we stay there 4 night then the breakfast is all the same and tasteless, and many more .I think I should stop talking about the hotel because I will pissed off.... Let's get back our topics~~

          That day was sunday, the night market only open for fri,sat and sunday! when we arrive our hotel and we take a short break and go outside to having a lunch and brought the package island for tomorrow. We brought  2 package for 2 days which are phi phi island and 4 island . Our PHI PHI trip 's price is one person 900 baht by speed boat, 4 island is one person 400 baht by long tail. because we was in the low season so the price will relatively lower and you should try to bargain or negotiate with them because normally they will put the higher price and tell you they had been discount for you!dun be lied! haha. 

           When almost evening we taking the songthaw (public van in krabi) it look like a van NOT tuk tuk (is motorcycle carries a huge seat) because just 2 of us so the driver charge us one person 100 baht this is very expensive because normally is 60 baht for one person! but the bus just taking 2 of us so we decide to take it !Then the driver also provide the service to the airport charge us 500 baht. I also argue with him because you charges us to the night market also expensive then to the airport also not discount .So I just perfunctory him all I want to say is if you wanna make a business with anyone you should give some benefit. HAHA.

Along to the krabi night market

Caveman traffic light is the symbol of the krabi night market

Sell clothes, food and art

           After the night market we wait the songthaew at the front of 7-11. they charges us one person 60baht . It means that there is no rule said that if over 6pm need to charges the higher price! We going back to our hotel then we decide to take massage !I have to promote one massage shop for all of you because the service is good enough! All 4 days I massage here ! It very near to the krabi heritage hotel.

Massage shop

          For the next morning, we wake up early around 7 am to having our hotel breakfast and wait the tour company carry us to the meeting point which are all member in the same speed boat! We were going to the PHI PHI tour. we snorkelling 2 time and having a huge buffet. In the phiphi island I still not enough time to go over all the market street ......

Luxury van 

          After the phiphi trip, we decide to go AREE BABA eat seafood !!! there was very nice and reasonable price! we having our dinner in this restaurant 2 times! It was really yummy yummy!!total is 1260 baht!!!


tonyam seafood

Mango sticky rice

pineapple fried rice

grill sotong

Tiger prawn

          During our third day in krabi, we have not going out with the package .We decided to rent a motorcycle to explore the town by ourself. 
 24 hour for 200baht actually is 300baht because we need to gas our motorcycle first .We ride motorcycle to the night market krabi town which was the place that we visited! haha...We just daring to try new things and ride so far from our hotel area. and the outcome is amazing as we visit a lot of place and understand that the local daily life. 


daily of the krabi town

Chinese temple

Our motorcycle
              During afternoon we decided to having our lunch at 7-11 and brought a lot of snack pejoy to our friends! I eat the fish burger it was really yummy and same like the MCD!!! It cost 29 baht! tasty!should TRY it! By the way, green curry lunch box sold at 7-11 also taste yummy!

section of the fish burger

fish burger!yummy

snack!one box for 20 baht

         At the night, we decided to having our dinner at Potjawan just opposite side of the beach! we order a lot of seafood dish. it was yummy too but I think AREE BABA most delicious! Total cost 960baht !!! GOOD!

         Fourth days, we wake up early to go 4 island package! we seat on the long tail just with a few member only . we finish our trip around 2 pm . we thought still early so we decided to rent once motorcycle and just for 150 baht with low horsepower compare with that times! By the way, I forget to tell you we rent our motorcycle just mortgage our car license only not our passport! we eat the road side pad thai food, go Tesco shopping, eat fried ice-cream ...just for fun for our last night in krabi. Tomorrow early on the morning just flight back .....

tesco gaming center

fried ice cream 80 baht!

one of the 4 island - chicken island

            Last night in krabi, we decide having supper in MCD - Samurai Pork Burger and Tuna Pie! Both of them were yummy but more expensive... let's ten years see krabi again!

samurai pork
End the story.... if you have any problems in your krabi trip can asked me . I will happy to help you!
I feel sorry for my poor english  and grammar . but I will do my best to describe and tell you all about my itinerary in krabi!